Here're the builds if your intention is to keep all the default dress and hair: Yuki: Beauty, Cute, Funny. This includes talking to them for practice and scoring well on minigames. PSN: m1x4h | GGXrdR (VE) // D3 (DH/Monk mostly) Diablo 3 PS4 discord: Boards. In this guide i will cover the basics knowledge of Club SunShine Hostesses. To rank up your hostesses in Yakuza 0, you will need to first complete their training. She is a kind and caring person, she spends her money she earns for her family. It brings us to the Japan of 1988; when the nation was at the height of its bubble economy. Her Platinum hostess special training includes questions on customer service, dancing together at a disco, and playing a round of pool. Yakuza 0 Sotenbori Sunshine Cabaret Club Czar Guide –. Sunshine cast members are ranked (in order) Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum; Yuki (who you start with) and the five girls you gain from beating each area are the only Platinum cast members. Hell, there's actually mods out there to replace the Phone card pics and Videos with stuff from their um, day jobs. 1. updated Sep 26, 2018. You can also start to scatter bait (or do so after you have fished all the correct outlines) 5. Otherwise, hostesses can be acquired by completing some substories; by running into them around. Ai Uehara (上原 亜衣, Uehara Ai) is a character in Yakuza 0. Introduction: Yakuza Zero is the sixth main game in the Yakuza series and a prequel to the first game. Which is to say, if you even changed their dress and hair, it should be even easier. Arabia Records - On Showa St. yeah, lots of ladies of pornland. Below. Buy some quality bait at M Store Sotenbori (also optional) 3. I recruited 3 platinum hostesses so far and Yuki is my favourite. If you don't respond, the customer will still leave relatively satisfied; you just will have missed the chance to get something else out of it. 45 used. GameStop. Goro Majima Substory #57 - Crossed Words. Hibiki (Platinum Hostess) ¥1,000,000,000; Blocks removed for Breaker Style; 1,000 Fans. Favorite. Nukiya Massage - Travel due west of Club Sunshine and you'll hit this on the opposite side of. If the hostess holds her hand in the hang-loose sign (horizontal fist with thumb and pinky out), that’s for refilling the ice. Where to get all of them, the best way to train platinum hostesses and the way of getting. 4. Title. She is hard-working and smart, she works hard to earn money for her family and her plans to study in a. 2. Yakuza 0 #100 Training Ai. You are able to recruit Ai after defeating the owner of Club Mars, where she is a Platinum hostess. She is the number one hostess at the cabaret club Four Shine. If the hostess holds up her hand in an L shape, that’s a guest glass. Ready to gouge out the entire Japanese economy. This is one of the mini…. If you succeed the cost of the next advertisement campaign increases. Hahaha, yeah I noticed. I had a Bronze hostess earn 10m from Mega-Rich customers and propel her from level 1 to level 18. i have all the hostesses from the cp shrines. You have to purchase them IIRC, there's a guide if you want it, though I figured it. In all cases, color of the dress, color of the hair, and makeup is unimportant. 6 legendary hostesses, a mother, and an old lady. We all know that the Yakuza series is a serious crime drama, thus nothing more natural than managing a cabaret club and playing princess maker with a bunch of hostesses. Kirara is the number one hostess. Keep in mind that some accessories have to be unlocked. if you been doing minigames and sidestories,etc. Interact with the save phone and the "Change Outfit" option will be available. As the games have progressed, hostess clubs grew to be a mechanic to the point wherein Yakuza 0, you get to run your own one. In Yakuza 0, you will eventually unlock a little mini game called Equipment Search. A simple guide to get 3 double circles without the need to change the looks of your platinum hostess. Quartier Latin - From the entrance of Pink Street, go north until you see a bunch of yellow lights framing a door on the left. Not terrible but not good either. Here are the platinum of the Yakuza series:Cabaret Club Czar is a Yakuza 0 minigame in which Goro Majima runs Club Sunshine. 1. Makeup is just for looks; accessories, hair and dress change their stats. Kokoa Aisu - Complete the substory "Be My Boyfriend". GameStop. Yakuza 0 Secret Options and Audio Fix; Yakuza 0 Licensed Music Restoration Patch; Yakuza 0 Modding Guide; Introduction. She comes from a poor family and has self-esteem issues, especially over her appearance. except hostess Ai and a few characters based on porn stars, because, you know, I've had my research done before playing Yakuza 0, especially Ai Uehara. jpfeiffer419 5 years ago #4. Goro Majima Substory #55 - Calling The Future. Yakuza 0. You get some after each milestone (500 fans, 1000, etc. Marina Shiraishi - Complete Real Estate Royale. Using fever drops their ability bar down a bit and then you've got another one ready. All your platinum, the obatarian, miss Isolde, as much good gold as you can cram, with maybe one of them substitued. updated Jul 10, 2021. Saki Hatsumi (初美 沙希, Hatsumi Saki) was the number one hostess at Club Jupiter before joining Club Sunshine. . Temple/shrines location. Shirakani 6 years ago #1. While the idea of a cabaret hostess club isn’t universal, it’s a common business in Japan and the Yakuza game series. They only mnemonic I can think of is her knuckles are sort of like ice cubes. Iiko Massage - To the right of Club Mars, the stairs leading down. The following is IGN's guide to Ai Special Training in Yakuza 0. In order to get all 10 platinum hostesses, you will need to complete the main story, as well as the side stories for each character. Hibiki Otsuki (大槻 ひびき, Ōtsuki Hibiki) is a character featured in Yakuza 0. I was hoping to keep all the girls in their default clothes and hair, however. サソリ Sep 16, 2018 @ 3:45pm. Yakuza 0 Part 53! I'm sure she'll turn up again at some point. Shove them aside. you can get 4-7 girls from around the city by giving them certain gifts that cost you less than 5mil yen, and if you do some sidestory, you can get girls from there as well. ago. the fact of the matter is that the ultimate battles and some of those mini games can be difficult to the point people don't bother. Rush training - Kamoji's training. Amazon. For anyone who's having trouble with this training, here's how to win it: 1st guy = Just dodge OR block, if you need help here, just quit :P. 1. Yakuza is a totally mainstream game in Japan. -All platinum hostesses (save for yuki) -Kiryu's secretary -All mr. Yuki (ユキ) is a recurring side character in the Yakuza series. Most of these will get you double circles in three categories with the last one being an X. Yakuza 0 Equipment Search Guide. Selecting this option will then bring up a list of available outfits that you can change into. If you thought Real Estate Royale was complex, you're in for a migraine or two. It's okay to fail these. . The. The best traits for each platinum hostess is three double Circles and one X. Use this if she's close to the top. Edit Alright, as you progress you get way more options. The hostess system at the club works similarly to previous Yakuza games but Yakuza Kiwami 2 does implement a few minor changes. 12. Any tips and tricks anyone would recommend? I don't want to cheese Legend difficulty per say but any advice would be amazing 😁. Dodge when the opponent moves. Ai is the number-one hostess in Club Mars. King of Nep Mar 21, 2019 @ 12:00am. The following is IGN's guide to the substory Mystery Caller in Yakuza 0 . Midway through Chapter 7, you will unlock Cabaret Club Czar side quest. You can get a Platinum hostess up to having 3 double circles and one X if you really min-max equipment. Type: Earrings. Riku Minato - Befriend Riku through the Telephone Club. About why my platinums and gold are higher levels are because it's easier for them to generate larger amount of sales than silver/bronze per round because their stats. She was the number one hostess at Club Mercury before joining Club Sunshine. She was the number one hostess at Club Mars before joining Club Sunshine. Share. You can bet 5 million yen to begin playing and each target you hit will give you money. 1 . The Club is a vital part of the Yakuza Kiwami 2. Remember it by guest gLass. It's cool that some got a chance to try out voice acting and be in a mainstream, albeit niche, game. After Kirara became the number two hostess of Club Sunshine, both Yuki and Youda were driven out of the club by Kanzaki. Here's a table on each Platinum and sample outfits to aim them in a particular direction. Platinum Hostess Makeover Guide. 45 used. Even as early as your second shift (after the first tutorial), you will want to get a large amount of hostesses to work with, because if you keep using the same ones, they'll become tired and will need breaks and you'll have gaps in the lineup. 3rd guy = Hold block the ENTIRE time while against. Yakuza 0’s final batting center course, like most things in 0, is centered around money. You can't influence them for any other than platinum hostesses though, they increase as they level up, although I haven't noticed any changes in that regard. She. Through the operation of the newly acquired Sunshine Club, Majima seeks to overtake the Cabaret club scene from. Then. unlocking club Sunshine is a part of the story and afterwards you can open the club and earn money. Move her aside. Koyuki is a very cheerful and hardworking girl. Topic Archived. Then, you and your. The Hostess Brigade. Yakuza 0 is filled with awesome and rewarding mini-games, one of which is the Sunshine Cabaret Club Czar. I just wanted them to keep their original. Yakuza 0; Where can I buy a chinese broadsword? Topic Archived; Product Deals. You can influence those categories of your platinum hostesses by managing the accessories and dress up. Bombtwo 6 years ago #4. Chika (Platinum Hostess) ¥1,000,000,000; Blocks removed for Slugger Style; 1,500 Fans. See All. 2. She's also a grateful person, she shows her grateful to Mizumura and later Goro Majima for their care for her health. I am in chapter 2 n sitting some cp I wanna spend. See All. Originally a hostess at Club Sunshine in Yakuza 0, she later returns as the owner of Club Four Shine in Yakuza Kiwami 2. Award. Yakuza 0. So this guide will cover the way to get 3 double circles with everyone, using only the accessories. . The following is IGN's guide to Yuki Special Training in Yakuza 0. Go on a date with any Platinum Hostess, this is only available every 10th hostess level except 40 and it's only allowed 3 times per Platinum hostess; ⭐️ Partner with 10 stores ⭐️ Partner with 20 stores ⭐️ Partner with 30 stores 0 0 0 15 15Koyuki (小雪) is a character featured in Yakuza Kiwami 2. After taking down Club Mars from rival battle, player acquire Ai. Unfavorite. Cater to their interests (ie loving to party) with one or two girls and keep the rest as is. Ai is very friendly to Majima and Yuki both before and when working at Sunshine. After that, you will need to take them out on dates, and fulfill their requests. Goro Majima Substory #53 - Errands On The Run. you can level her. When running the Cabaret Club Czar, you have the option to give your Platinum Hostess special training. shakedowns. Don't use fever until it's almost at level 2 but use it right before it hits level 2 while it's still level 1. Finally, you will need to make sure that they are happy. At the second left, look at the building that has "KAMURO" and "SEKAI" on it. All of them can achieve 3 double circles and 1 X by accessories alone. Telephone club -. Recently I made my first billion at the hostess club and unlocked an achievement for spending it. I'm gonna go back and go for the platinum of 0. In Chapter 7, you are introduced to Majima 's side business: The Cabaret Club Czar. I doubt it's the disco girl, since she's gold and. 2. updated Jan 16, 2018 The following is IGN's guide to the hostesses available in the open world in Yakuza 0. Yakuza 0 Platinum. Goro Majima Substory #54 - Disciple Of The New Order. Completion of Ai's. Yakuza 0; Hostress's accessory collection; Topic Archived; Product Deals. Ryona Minami - Complete the substory "The Girl in the Video". After this, head down the block. 4. Yeah, but you can buy it in Sotenbori. Fortunately, there are means to get more hostesses, and here's how the methods. Reach 2,000 fans in the area to access the scouting of Club. $17. Izakaya Naniwa - This is on the southeast corner of the intersection of Shofukucho West and Hoganji Yokocho. Spoiler : Majima will go to Kamarucho and than you can buy tat Pole in the Pawn Shop. Created by. Yakuza 0. Yakuza 0. . your first platinum hostess is "Yuki". Read More ». Yakuza 0 Guide. Praise girl - The hostess' HP will slightly restore. 1. i have all hostesses retain their original dresses, and only one did I have to resort to changing her hair (the blue girl). 99 used More Topics from this Board. ) and a bunch of new ones after taking over each club. She has a very cheerful and outgoing personality, and she has great. Kamuro World Theater - Head north from the Pink Street entrance. Again, the old lady cuts you, this time with a friend. This Yakuza 0 Sotenbori Sunshine Cabaret Club Czar Guide will cover everything you need to know including the hostess’s, training, opening, makeovers and more. you should have a ton of CP. Chill =. The answer is 10. Kai989 6 years ago #23. Mana (Platinum Hostess) ¥1,000,000,000; Blocks removed for Breaker Style; Legendary Fighting Style: Mad Dog of Shimano; 2,000 Fans. .